Ethical code


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. has decided to show transparency to the customer in the conduct of its commercial activities by adopting a Code of Conduct. It aims to represent a quality and guarantee charter for the user who, in the online mode, does not have the opportunity to physically know the place and people. The principles outlined below concern the company’s vision from a moral and ethical perspective, values chosen by this company as the focus of its management.


Honesty is a fundamental value that must always be considered in carrying out work activities. Relationship management with both internal stakeholders and collaborators, partners, and customers is based on principles and behaviors of honesty, collaboration, loyalty, and mutual respect.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. is characterised by professional conduct characterised by due diligence.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. guarantees proper information activities towards collaborators, staff, and any other external party interacting with the aforementioned company regarding significant events in its corporate life. Financial data, corporate communications, and any other information provided by this company to third parties meet the requirements of truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness. For collaborators entrusted with specific consulting and management tasks by BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l., compliance with norms, laws, and regulations is required, alongside the rigor demanded by the profession itself and, therefore, the compliance with the relevant ethical principles.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. has dedicated significant efforts to the security and confidentiality of company data through the development of specific internal control programs regarding cybersecurity. Regarding legal and documentary aspects, the company ensures that every processing operation complies with regulations. Attention to information security covers all categories of data processed, acquired, managed, organized, and stored. Furthermore, within this context, the company emphasizes respect for intellectual property rights. It is prohibited to communicate and disclose information, photos, or documents without obtaining the respective consent. No sensitive information is disclosed. For any details regarding data processing, please refer to the “Legal Notes” section. Upon termination of the relationship with BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l., it is forbidden to copy or retain documents or other materials owned by the company. “Company property” includes all improvements, ideas, products, graphic designs, and any other product created, designed, or marketed through the website or considered for its creation or marketing. Additionally, the company has structured itself for better management of the information system to optimize data processing and search times and to ensure its traceability.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. places the individual at the centre of its business, whether they are a customer or collaborator, in their totality. As a result, discrimination based on social status, race, gender, language, or religion is strictly prohibited. Respect for human dignity is a fundamental value that is considered an integral part of the company’s actions. Forms of discrimination and violations of human rights, such as encouraging forced labor, child labor, and other types of abuses, are not tolerated. At the same time, the company does not engage in behaviors or make choices that would undermine the right to equal opportunity.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. has always operated in the market by respecting competition and antitrust rules, by refraining from taking actions for its own benefit but against the law. The company has complied with the terms of commercial agreements set by partners. Therefore, the company prohibits any conduct aimed at hindering fair and honest competitiveness.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l., in ensuring full transparency in its operations, commits to implement all necessary measures to prevent situations of conflict of interest. This applies in cases where any stakeholder pursues an interest different from the company’s mission or personally benefits from the company’s business opportunities. Every action is aimed at avoiding discriminatory behavior towards others, and situations tending to create a conflict of interest that are harmful to the work and the company itself should be avoided. This company protects and guarantees the confidentiality of workers’ common and sensitive personal information and provides periodic communications for correct and transparent data processing.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. may provide gifts to acquired and new customers (including those referred by others) as part of marketing plans implemented throughout the year.


The customer, as well as Human Resources, is a fundamental asset for this company, towards which policies for continuous improvement in terms of quality and professionalism of the service provided must be activated. BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. always confronts with the customer, believing that maintaining an open attitude to receive advice and criticism plays an important role in the company’s growth. Of course, this makes sense and is functional if the observations, even if negative, are expressed with a constructive intention and not just for the sake of contradiction. It is essential that staff adopt a behavioral style towards the customer based on respect for the individual, civil education, kindness, and professionalism. The company is committed to making its communication methods with customers clear and understandable, using various forms such as brochures and event organization. All customer behaviors aimed at theft, deception, and offense are prohibited


Relationships with suppliers and business partners are based on seeking the right competitive balance. These relationships are conducted with a spirit of loyalty and professional integrity. The policies established by the commercial rules of the “supplier companies” are respected by the company. BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. intends to maintain an open dialogue with suppliers following good business practices even when is facing with problematic situations. Following the same line of conduct outlined for staff and customers, the company considers it important to adopt a spirit of collaboration with each supplier or business partner in order to together pursue the common goal represented by customer satisfaction in terms of quality, cost, and delivery times.


Accounting activities are conducted in accordance with the rules established by our legal system and, in the case of relationships with foreign countries, in compliance with the relevant tax laws. The management of the accounting department is entrusted to specifically appointed individuals with the support of external professionals. Every accounting operation carried out and recorded is accompanied by corresponding supporting documentation, facilitating the control phase, traceability of activities, and highlighting the responsibilities of each operator. The use of company funds for illegal or improper purposes is strictly prohibited and severely punished. BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. complies with anti-money laundering regulations and prevents the execution of potentially dangerous operations or any activities not in line with fiscal and tax regulations.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. is a forward-thinking company that pursues improvement policies, including in the technological field. As a result, this company is sensitive to the risks associated with the increasing use of information technology. Therefore, the owner has already implemented protective measures, but above all, a specific policy of continuous monitoring has been defined to ensure the continuity of work and the integrity of information.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l., within its marketing and e-commerce policies, safeguards the rights of minors online through controls aimed at preventing unauthorized and reckless purchases.


BROS MANIFATTURE S.r.l. prohibits any unauthorized use of its specific brand, identified as: